  1. How To Cash In With Simple Formulas
  2. Making Your Own Plastic Molded Objects
  3. Multi-Page Plastics Reports
  4. Flexible Mold Compound
  5. 6 Simple Plastic Formulas
  6. Big Money In Plastics
  7. Windshield Ice Melter
  8. Lenz-Brite Liquid Eyeglass Cleaner
  9. 5 Formulas You Can Make Metal Polish
  10. Waterproofing Canvas
  11. Making Glow-In-The-Dark Ink
  12. How you Can Color Fireplace Flames
  13. One-Way Window Glass
  14. Mirrors: Silvering & Re-Silvering
  15. Acid Test For Gold
  16. Egg Writing
  17. Formula For Chemical Fire Effects
  18. Fishing Bait - 10 Oil Based Formulas